Hernán Espejo, cantante y compositor detrás del emblemático proyecto Compañero Asma, no puede con su propio cebamiento y graba, graba, graba...
Lo increíble es que casi siempre le salen canciones geniales, ya sea cuando se sube al noble caballo del rock nacional old-school o comulga con la marcianidad de la experimentación alemana de los setenta.
Asmacity constituye un jugoso complemento de su reciente obra Guitarra Dulce Hogar: registros inéditos, versiones inesperadas, colaboraciones insólitas y perlas en vivo. Un EP diseñado para satisfacer al fan que disfruta de su vertiente más freestyle.


Hernán Espejo —singer and songwriter behind the mythical project Compañero Asma— cannot control his impulses and records all the time. What's amazing is that almost every one of his songs are pure genius, no matter if they resemble the notes of old-school local rock or if they flirt with the 70s' german experimentation.
Asmacity is a juicy complement for his latest work, Guitarra Dulce Hogar: a collection of unpublished songs, unexpected versions, surprising collaborations and live gems, perfect for those who enjoy his most unconventional side.

Mamushka Dogs Records, 2009


all works registered under a creative commons license
attribution, non commercial, no derivative works 2.5 argentina

powered by the mamushka dogs consortium
illustrated by bosque estudio + taller