Good Time for Dynacom es una banda inusual en Argentina. Pero no se confundan: no sería normal en ningún lado.
Amantes del kitsch ochentero, heredan la frescura y la locura de artistas como Daniel Johnston, Ween, los Residents y Pavement, para armar breves joyas que abusan de las convenciones del pop, con el encanto de un estilo sucio y rústico.
En 2008 nos sorprendieron con 'Some Tapes', doce insólitas canciones, concebidas en un sencillo portaestudio casero sobre viejos cassettes TDK usados.
En 2010 regresaron a Mamushka Dogs con 'Enormous Chain', un álbum en el que abandonaban la precariedad de sus primeras grabaciones y se animan a un relativo hi-fi para registrar por primera vez esa serie de canciones, mezcla de clásicos con nuevos anti-hits.
En 2012, vuelven a volver, en su año más prolífico hasta el momento. Primero con 'Freaky Fashion', una ambiciosa trilogía que regresa a un sonido más crudo (manteniendo intacta la esencia de la banda más allá de los cambios, a través del liderazgo espiritual y la furia creativa de Pepino, a.k.a. Matías Escarlón) y parece la banda sonora de un cumpleaños infantil animado por el elenco de Twin Peaks. Y sobre el final del mismo año, entregan 'Discover the Unexpected', presentando un cambio de sonido efectivamente inesperado, en el que se vuelcan a una onda chillwave, creando melodías tan simples pero efectivas como siempre, pero a través de una maraña de instrumentos y efectos exclusivamente electrónicos.
No se pierdan la oportunidad de conocer a la banda más encantadoramente deforme (¿de nuestro catálogo?, ¿del mundo?) que hayamos escuchado.


Good Time for Dynacom is an unusual band in Argentina, but don't let that confuse you, they couldn't be normal anywhere.
Fans of the 80s' kitsch, they inherit both the freshness and the craziness of artists such as Daniel Johnston, Ween, The Residents and Pavement, composing short gems that abuse the conventions of pop genre with the charm of home taping.
Back in 08 they shocked us with
'Some Tapes', twelve weird, amazing songs conceived on old, used TDK cassette tapes.
Then, in 2010, they came back to Mamushka Dogs with
'Enormous Chain', their following LP in which they abandoned the rusty style of their previous works and went for something relatively hi-fi to record this series of songs for the first time: a mixture of early day classics and new anti-hits.
In 2012, they return once again for their most productive year so far. First, with
'Freaky Fashion', an ambitious trilogy that goes back to a much rawer sound —but always keeping the esence of the band intact, regardless of changes in sound and in line-up, due to the spiritual leadership and creative rage of Pepino, AKA Matías Escarlón— and feels like a soundtrack for a kids birthday party entertained by the cast of Twin Peaks. And by the end of the same year they deliver 'Discover the Unexpected', displaying a change of sound that is indeed unexpected, leaning towards some kind of chillwave sound, creating melodies that are as simple but effective as always, but through a myriad of exclusively electronic instruments and effects.
Don't miss the chance to make your acquaintance with the most charmingly deformed band (in our catalogue? in the world?) we've ever heard.

Discover the Unexpected

Mamushka Dogs Records, 2012


Mamushka Dogs Records, 2012


Mamushka Dogs Records, 2012


Mamushka Dogs Records, 2012


Mamushka Dogs Records, 2010


Mamushka Dogs Records, 2008


all works registered under a creative commons license
attribution, non commercial, no derivative works 2.5 argentina

powered by the mamushka dogs consortium
illustrated by bosque estudio + taller